Is Getting A New Laptop With 128 Gb Really Needed Or Is 64 Gb Enough

Laptops have become an indispensable part of our daily lives, catering to various needs from work to entertainment. When picking a laptop, storage capacity plays a pivotal role. Is splurging on a capacious 128GB laptop a wise move, or can you comfortably operate with a 64GB one? Let’s demystify this storage dilemma.

Understanding Laptop Storage

Laptop storage primarily comes in two forms: Solid State Drives (SSDs) and Hard Disk Drives (HDDs). SSDs, known for their speed and reliability, are the preferred choice for modern laptops. In terms of storage capacity, 128GB and 64GB are the common options.

Evaluating Your Storage Needs

The ideal storage capacity for your laptop greatly depends on your usage patterns. Let’s break it down based on different user categories:

For Everyday Users

  • Everyday users who primarily engage in web browsing, emails, and document editing can comfortably manage with 64GB of storage. This capacity provides sufficient room for essential files and software.

For Creatives and Professionals

  • Creative professionals like graphic designers and video editors, as well as individuals in fields dealing with hefty files, will find the expanded storage of 128GB highly advantageous. It allows ample space for storing media files, software, and project files without the constant worry of running out of storage.

For Gamers and Power Users

  • Gamers and power users who frequently install large games or run resource-intensive applications should lean towards 128GB or even larger storage options. This extra space ensures that games and high-resolution media won’t quickly eat up your storage.

Pros and Cons of 128GB Storage


  • Generous Storage: 128GB offers ample storage for files, software, and media content, minimizing the need for frequent data cleanup.
  • Future-Proofing: It provides a certain level of future-proofing, ensuring your laptop can accommodate future software and storage needs.


  • Cost Factor: Laptops with 128GB storage typically come with a higher price tag compared to their 64GB counterparts. Consider your budget carefully when making your decision.
  • Usage Patterns: Your choice should align with your specific usage patterns. Paying for storage you won’t fully utilize isn’t cost-effective.

The Cost Consideration

Laptops with larger storage capacities tend to be pricier. It’s essential to assess whether the added cost aligns with your actual storage requirements. For some users, investing in additional external storage solutions might be a more budget-friendly alternative.

Real-Life Scenarios: When 128GB Shines

While 64GB may suffice for many users, there are situations where 128GB proves invaluable:

  • Media Creation: If you’re involved in tasks like video editing, image manipulation, or working with large media files, 128GB ensures you have enough room for your projects.
  • Gaming: Gamers who frequently install and play large games benefit from the additional space provided by 128GB, reducing the need to uninstall games to free up space.
  • Professional Usage: Professionals working with extensive datasets or running resource-intensive software appreciate the headroom that 128GB offers.


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